Once I searched to buy a great book I had heard of and was not able to find it.
Not giving up on the idea to learn what was written in it, I decided to buy a generic one called Rich Man Poor Man, which was available at that particular book store that particular day.
I found it interesting but still wanted to read Rich Dad Poor Dad which I had heard of in the first place, when a good friend of mine said he had it. We've exchanged books and though I have not yet finished this reading, I can say I've learned some lessons already. Some ideas have just sank in deeper into my thoughts... Things I do believe in but had not yet found people say that in a such resoluted way, or maybe I had already but just now I've realized it in a deeper matter.
Well here is the thing: Before things go right, they go wrong first...
It seems odd, strange, confusing, not true, but if you stop a little and think about it, you'll see that's the way we've done our whole life!!!
Before learning how to speak well, we speak wrong.
Before learning how to walk we fall down.
Before learning to ride a bike, we also fall down many times.
Before learning how to cook, we burn the pans.
Before you organize your stuff, you have a mess.
Before being a great golf player, you loose many golf balls.
Before being the champion, many times you loose.
Before you trully fall in love, you have your heart broken maybe once, maybe twice, maybe many times!!!
What does that mean?
It means that before you actually WIN anything in any situation,you actually loose!
Now that may be a terrifying idea, but if you do not fear, you will continue on trying, harder and harder, and that's when you keep on practicing and gaining expertise and then finally WIN!!!
It's only a matter of giving up or keep on trying...
The result, it's only up to you!!!
Why do we not see a great amount of successfull people out there?
Because they give up on the middle of the way... Regardless of the situation, they just do not have the courage to stand for what they really do want. They just don't have the guts to keep on trying, or perhaps they don't try at all, they are weak people, they are loosers...
How do you start WINNING?!?!
Loose your fear!!! Step forward to your dreams!!! Change your own self!!! It's not the world that it's against you at all... you yourself are...
Quit playing safe and take risks!!! Just quit being a coward!!!
If you read biografy of successfull people, you will see how many times they actually failed before they got where they wanted to be...
People in general sit still and wait for a miracle to happen... they just don't get up and run towards what they want...
You have to take action! you have to move around to see your miracle!!! Sit still will not take you anywhere!!!
Jesus himself taught us this lesson when he encountered with the paralytic! He said to the paralytic: "Take heart!" His advice was something like: "Don't give up!!!" "Believe in yourself!!!" "Have faith!!!"
And after he encouraged the paralytic, he turned and said: "Get up, take your mat and go home." He again spoke encouragement into that man's life!!! Pay close attention to this lesson here, because Jesus didn't take the man into his arm and helped him to get up. He didn't put the man on his lap or carried him at all. He simple said: "Get up!!!"
Had the man not had faith, had that man not believed on the possibility to actually get up and walk, had that man not taken any aciton at all, he'd never gotten up...
Instead of that, the Bible says "the man got up and went home".
That man, so many thousands of year ago, actually moved towards his goal, he decided to take control of his future, he decided he didn't want to stay forever living his life that horrible way and he acted out of courage and faith...
I love the Army slogan that says: BE ALL THAT YOU CAN BE!!! But I think it lacks encouragement a bit... It sounds like you definitely have a limit, and it's possible for you to reach that limit...
I think a little differently, I rather say: YOU CAN BE WHOEVER YOU WANT TO BE!!! There is no limit!!! You put the limit yourself...
Just sharing some personal facts, I fell like I'm just getting started on developing my "career" and I was surprised and yet trilled to hear what my dad told me over a conversation few days ago. We were talking about business, success, carrer, profession and so on... when he told me he had taken some 15 years to achieve what I've already achived...
That was some outstanding news for me, and though he did not say a thing, I felt he was saying: "I'm proud of you!" and I really loved that... cuz one of my goals in life was to make mom and dad proud... moslty dad... I just wanted to proof him wrong... as he many times said I'd do nothing good in life... I'd be no one... I understand he wanted us to study hard, get excellent grades in school, be always brilliant, almost a genious type of thing and I was just never like that... but I decided to succeed not doing what they wanted me to do, but doing what I'd like to do!
I guess I've accomplished that and I'm just getting started!!! I'm on my last semester at College, not a Doctor nor a Master just yet, but no one needs to be a Doc or a Master to succeed in life, of course it does add up more good knowledge, but it's not a must, it's a plus... and again, your the one who defines your limit...
I hope you understand the tip...
That's all folks!
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